All I write, I write for you, my dear. My adventures, wins, and defeats.
I exist on these pages only because you exist, reading them. You are the only reason for my existence, and without you, I'd fall into despair.
Don't ever be too lonely, my love; never cease to read my prose. I can't live without it; it is my oxygen.
It is the reason for living, for without your attention, I am nothing. Nothing, my love.
Mountains can move, and floods could dissolve them, as impossible rains never stop.
All could happen, my love, and yet, I shall return. But without you reading these letters, my purpose on this Earth ceases to be.
No one ever loved you like this, my beloved. No one ever will.
A thousand years might pass, but the spirit of my love will remain, still, whispering in the wind.
I am perpetually yours.
(Latin Version for the ones who enjoy the language):
"Pro omnibus argenteis in mundo, scripturam non desistam. Omnia quae scribo, tibi scribo, mea cara. Meae perigrinationes, meae evagationes. Omnia. Hic exsisto in his paginis solummodo quia tu ibi es, ea legens. Tu es unica causa meae existentiae, et sine te in desperationem decidam.”
Noli umquam me deserere, mea vita, numquam desine legere meam prosam. Est meum oxygenium, est meum incantamentum. Est causa vivendi, nam sine tua attentione nihil sum. Nihil, mea vita. Montes moveri possunt, inundationes totos comitatus mergere possunt, imbres impossibiles qui numquam cessant possunt evenire, omnia possunt accidere, mea vita. Sed sine te, qui has litteras legis, propositum meum in hac terra desinit esse.
Ego tuus in perpetuum.
About the Creator
Rene Volpi
I'm from Italy and write every day. Being a storyteller by nature, I've entertained (and annoyed) people with my "expositions" since I was a child, showing everyone my primitive drawings, doodles, and poems. Still do! Leave me a comment :)
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